Senior Technical Writer and Content Designer embracing the user experience in every aspect of content and writing


As an experienced technical writer, content designer, and content strategist, I find passion in digital communication and the user experience. I have worked remotely for the majority of my career with cross-functional teams across global time zones in the technology, gaming, and services industries.

I have written for B2B, B2C, developer, business end user, and general public audiences. I have written developer documentation, UX copy for UIs, strategized the content for multiple products and documentation hubs, organized site information architecture, internal taxonomy, conducted regular content audits, and drove initiatives to improve end user documentation hubs on team and organization levels. As part of a documentation hub project, I held writing workshops with fellow writers to align to new content strategy and tooling.

I am skilled in multiple CMS programs, HTML/CSS, Markdown, and a handful of design programs such as Figma and previously Sketch. I am also building on my JavaScript and JSON languages. My educational background is a foundation of professional writing, creative writing, and literature with masters courses in rhetoric and composition, UX design and research, information architecture, and knowledge management. I strive to continue learning as a lifelong experience in tooling, methodologies, and innovation.

I believe all writing should incorporate UX methods and accessibility in every element that words appear to the user. UX and design thinking concepts should be part of the entire documentation and content experience. To drive my decisions, I have conducted user research remotely with, Zoom interviews, user feedback through GitHub and Discord, and digital, low-fidelity prototyping.

I am constantly learning new skills to widen my experience and strengthen myself as an asset. I enjoy tackling new projects and unraveling puzzles to reassemble better than before. I believe in respectful, fierce feedback to evolve and improve the user’s experience. I am a jack of many trades and a master of a few that can adapt to any team as needed.

Unity Technologies

Senior Technical Writer

Aug 2021 - Present

At Unity, I:
- Am part of a 3 person team to develop the content strategy for the documentation of "Project Neutron".
- Write documentation for Multiplayer Networking content (Netcode for GameObjects, Unity Transport Protocol, Multiplayer Tools, etc). This includes both scripting API documentation and user manual content.
- Collaborate with development teams to create and deliver high-quality technical content.
- Maintain the front and backend of a Docusaurus website.
- Interact with users via Discord, Webinars, and other mediums.
- Created an improved UX design to accommodate increasing documentation needs to be implemented.
- Researched and outlined improved information architecture as part of a consolidation project across all Unity documentation.
- Consult and advise on documentation tooling, content strategy, and information architecture across multiple teams.
- Completed an entire documentation audit to ensure up-to-date content, notated for style and content improvements, and began reorganizing content for a better user experience.

Epic Games

Senior Technical Writer and Content Strategist

Nov 2020 - Aug 2021

While working at Epic Games, I:
- Worked as a solo writer for a product (EOS) comprised of multiple development teams
- Wrote developer-oriented documentation for every release
- Wrote docs-as-code with markdown through Perforce and a build system
- Improved and updated content
- Helped curate UI text
- Contributed to rebranding efforts through a documentation site relaunch in content and UI
- Coordinated my bi-weekly sprints with development and producers to ensure release work and maintenance achieved consistently
- Enforced standards, consistency, taxonomy/glossary, and UX methodology in the documentation and textual elements
- Coordinated other documentation teams to unify the documentation across siloed teams
- Reorganized site information architecture
- Trained other documentation team writers in our processes and writing styles
- Reorganized site information architecture
- Documented processes and procedures for future writers working in the EOS department


Senior Content Designer and Technical Writer

Jul 2019 - Sep 2020

While working at Acoustic, I:
- Spearheaded a documentation center redesign with full rewrite and reorganization of content
- Was involved in user testing and research, developing outlines/templates and standards of the new content center, designing the look and feel with HTML/CSS, working hand-in-hand with each writer and developer associated with the center, and setting goals for continuous improvements with expanding outreach to other parts of the company
- Held regular meetings, office hours, and workshops to help writers adjust to the new systems and writing styles
- Wrote and reorganized documentation for a second information center
- Built out additional capabilities for the center's website (a glossary function and a labeling system) with CSS and JavaScript
- Worked in markdown and WYSIWYG editors between Zendesk and
- Jumped-in wherever needed in the department


Content Designer and Technical Writer

Jan 2016 - Mar 2020

While working at IBM, I:
- Designed documentation for business users and developers
- Maintained documentation for multiple products and teams at a time
- Researched, developed, and created information, proofs of concept, and other content to continuously improve documentation usability
- Regularly used DITA, Oxygen, WordPress, HTML + CSS,, Invision, Sketch, and different build systems to create content
- Managed content and process from creation to publish

As of July 2019, part of the transition team to Acoustic (formally Watson Marketing and Commerce).